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School Council

We have 15 school counsellors.  Every class in the school is represented from Foundation up to Year 6, which we think is the fairest way to make sure everybody has a say about our school.  The councillors in Year 4 to 6 are voted in for the whole year whereas in Foundation to Year 3, new councillors are voted onto the council each term.

A Year 6 pupil is the chair of our meetings and our Year 5 councillors are the secretaries.  The rest of the council have other important roles such as publicity officers.

As councillors their job is to try to make the school as good as it can be for all pupils.  At every meeting they take time to try to think of new ideas to help everyone learn better or to make the school a better place to be!

Currently the school council are working on exciting projects; fund raising and making it safer for everyone to walk to school.

The counsellors help advertise and run the charity events that the school supports such as Children in Need and Red Nose Day / Sports Relief.

Class Councils are being held so each class can feed into the main agenda and help to make the school the very best it can be, so that pupils feel their voice is heard by the leadership and Governors of the school.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

The School Council ran the coffe mornings in their classes and sold cakes, this raised an amazing amount of money. They helped advertise the event and sold cakes to their parents/carers later in the day.

Walk to school initiative

The School Council has set up the WOW Travel Tracker initiative to encourage all pupils to walk to school.  This is recorded in the classes and pupils are rewarded with stickers and badges, which they wear proudly around the school.

School charity

The School Council has worked hard fundraising for our nominated school charity, Farleigh Hospice, which some of our families access.

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