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Design and Technology


Pupils will experience fun and engaging lessons which give them opportunities to think about what products are used for and the needs of those who use them.  Pupils’ skills, knowledge and technical vocabulary will be progressively developed through the key areas of the broad and balanced Design and Technology curriculum: Structures, Mechanisms, Cooking and nutrition, Textiles and Electrical systems – each area providing opportunities for developing and extending specific knowledge, skills and technical vocabulary. 

Across the age range:

  • Pupils should have a secure understanding of who they are designing and making for, the purpose of the product and how it will work.
  • Pupils should progressively produce accurate and detailed designs with all parts and materials labelled.
  • Pupils should develop technical skills, applying measurements and using tools accurately and safely.
  • Pupils should learn technical vocabulary when communicating about their products through verbal and written language.
  • Pupils need to be able to test, evaluate, modify and improve their products.



In each year group, key areas of Design and Technology are revisited (with Electrical systems beginning in KS2, years 4&6) with new, more complicated projects requiring progressive skills, knowledge and technical vocabulary. 

Every year group has comprehensive medium term plans and a sequence of detailed lesson plans which outline and teach the specific knowledge, skills and technical vocabulary required to progress and complete the three main aspects of the DT process; Designing, Making and Evaluating the final product.  At the end of each unit there is effective teacher assessment which is recorded to review pupil progress.  Teachers are also asked to keep photographic evidence of the learning sequence and the final products to place in a whole school DT portfolio.



  • All pupils

All pupils have equal opportunity to access new skills and demonstrate their growing knowledge and confidence so that they can enjoy the subject and make good progress.

The majority of pupils will achieve age related expectations in DT and maybe able to demonstrate using these tools or skills in other areas of the curriculum and opportunities out of school.

  • DP

As designers, pupils will develop problem solving skills and attributes, eg. resilience, they can use beyond school and into adulthood.

  • SEND

These pupils are given scaffolded support so that they can access the DT curriculum and gain a sense of achievement by completing the DT process of design, make and evaluate. Some pupils with SEND are able to excel in this subject.