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At Wentworth Primary School, we believe that a high-quality programme of English instruction will prepare our pupils for success in secondary school and in their later endeavours.  From EYFS through to Year 6, children are provided with a range of opportunities to develop their reading, writing and spoken language skills.

The aims of our English curriculum are as follows:

  • children will read (or be read to) widely and often, both for reading for pleasure and to find out information.
  • children will be able to read with fluency, prosody and good understanding.
  • children will read texts by a range of authors and which discuss different topics, helping them to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually.
  • children will write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their range and style across different genres of writing.
  • children will acquire a wide vocabulary and understanding of grammar.
  • children will have opportunities to develop their speaking skills by making formal presentations, discussing ideas in pairs and groups and engaging in whole class discussions.



English is a multi-faceted subject with a range of specific skills.  This policy has been divided into sub-sections to clarify our approach to teaching and learning in this subject:

  • Spoken Language
  • Reading
  • Writing

Please refer to each section of the policy for more information on implementation.



As part of the National Curriculum, progress and attainment in English is assessed at Key Stage 2 using the government SAT assessments, which are externally marked.  Writing is teacher assessed and moderating across classes and schools takes place annually.

Teachers in all year groups collect regular assessment data about pupil progress and attainment in English.  This data is managed internally using Target Tracker. 

Monitoring of all pupils, including pupils with SEND and those identified as disadvantaged, takes place termly by the Senior Leadership Team and next steps are identified for teachers and pupils.