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At Wentworth Primary we intend on instilling a lifelong love of science within our pupils.  We want pupils to be inquisitive, explore and question the world around them. We believe all pupils should be taught the skills of working scientifically and the essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. From EYFS to the end of KS2 our pupils will build up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts in biology, chemistry and physics.  We provide our children with a broader understanding of science by making links to other subjects. Teachers plan enjoyable and exciting activities with the support of the science leader who has created a skills and knowledge based curriculum covering the Science National Curriculum. Teachers challenge pupils on a weekly basis to reach a greater depth of understanding by developing their scientific skills through real life experiences and by embedding new knowledge and understanding of scientific vocabulary and concepts. Pupils are encouraged to talk about what they have learned and make links to the wider world. 



Through careful planning, teaching and assessment teachers support pupils to build knowledge and apply that knowledge as skills.  Pupils are encouraged to reflect on learning in science in their written work, through class discussion, class assemblies and pupil perceptions.   Teachers are supported to develop their content and pedagogical knowledge through staff training, which will include review and reflection of lessons taught and work produced by pupils.  Also, online resources may be used by teachers to support the planning of engaging activities which closely support the curriculum objectives and expectations.  The curriculum is reviewed yearly by teachers and changes may be made to ensure links can be made to other curriculum areas.  Teachers record both formative and summative assessment on pupil progress and data is shared with the subject leader once a topic is complete.



  • All pupils

All pupils are expected to gain a wider variety of skills linked to both scientific knowledge and understanding.  They will achieve a richer vocabulary which will enable children to articulate their understanding of taught concepts. 

  • DP

High expectations are set for disadvantaged pupils to ensure they make progress equal to that of other pupils.  Teachers provide opportunities for disadvantaged pupils to access a range of scientific resources in lessons.  Teachers to encourage high engagement and interest of the subject to ensure they develop their knowledge, skill and understanding providing them with a solid base for further study, work and a successful adult life.

  • SEND

Children with special educational needs and disabilities to make assessed progress in their knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts compared with their starting points.  (Progress may be recognised through formative assessment and verbal communication with support adults rather than through an end of unit summative assessment which may require higher levels of literacy, auditory memory and processing skills)