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The curriculum is the totality of pupils’ learning experiences.  At Wentworth Primary School, we believe that our curriculum should be broad, balanced and relevant, and meet the needs of all children whatever their ability.

The curriculum taught at Wentworth is comprises of the statutory objectives in The National Curriculum and our own unique skills and knowledge.  We ensure the children have a range of learning experiences that challenge, stimulate, promote thinking skills and fostering a love of learning.  The curriculum is carefully planned and structured to develop skills, knowledge in a range of subject areas. The sequence of learning over time is progressive to develop the knowledge and skills for future learning and employment.


The intents of our curriculum are to:

  • Inspire a life-long love of learning and prepare our pupils to be able to fully participate in their secondary education, inspiring our pupils and preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experience of adult life in 21st century Britain.
  • Promote the highest standards in reading, writing and maths.
  • Enable pupils to investigate and problem solve, using a wide range of reasoning and analytical skills.
  • Enable pupils to acquire knowledge, understanding and skills in science.
  • Challenge pupils to apply logic, to question and to debate.
  • Ensure pupils are confident and safe in the use of ICT.
  • Promote physical and mental development and an awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Ensure children are aware of the importance of and participate in the arts related cultural themes.
  • Promote spiritual development and enable pupils to develop moral sensibility through carefully taught British values and develop pupils’ cultural capital.
  • Develop the personal and social skills of each child.
  • Provide equality of access to all areas of the curriculum and provide the opportunities for all pupils to make outstanding progress.

Themes for each Year group

Year Group Autumn Spring Summer
Foundation Colour / Far Far Away Not all Heroes Wear a Cape Adventure Awaits
Year 1 Super Duper Me Fantastic Beasts Beside the Sea
Year 2 Mini Beasts Explorers Maldon
Year 3 Scandinavian Settlers The Greatest Show on Earth Mysterious Maya
Year 4 Our Watery World Portals to the Past Romans
Year 5 The Ancient Greeks Exploring Europe Our Planet
Year 6 Power to the People Kingdom of Creation We Are All Wonders



Medium Term plans are reviewed and modified each term by the teachers and kept in their Planning Folders. They are highlighted to show the teaching sequence and contain the knowledge and skills for each National Curriculum area which are relevant to the theme for the term. The medium term plans are developed into weekly plans, with clear learning outcomes, used to teach the individual lessons where pupils learn the key knowledge, skills and cultural capital needed to succeed in life and to be educated citizens. Where the National Curriculum subjects do not form part of the termly theme, then the subject is taught discretely e.g. Mandarin and Religious Education.

At Wentworth Primary School, we believe that assessment, feedback and marking are a crucial and integral part of the teaching and learning process. Learning objectives will be clearly identified in short term plans and assessment criteria matched to these. We are aiming for our cohorts to be at least 80% of pupils at age related expectation by the end of their key stage and at least 25% of the cohort to be at greater depth.

Curriculum Maps

Curriculum maps for every year group can be found on the class pages. They identify termly intentions and how we implement them. They show how all areas of the National Curriculum are allocated during the year. They include possible visits and visitors, subject to availability; links to English and genres taught; maths; and how the end of topic will be presented, eg: a showcase of bridge building; establishing a Greek Museum for visitors or a class book. These are reviewed regularly to ensure they remain relevant to current learning and that pupils know more, remember more and do more. Not every curriculum area is taught every term but the map makes it clear which terms when the foundation subjects are taught.


To see how we teach reading and phonics please see the reading and phonics link in curriculum and classes.